It is our pleasure to bring you quality products. Whether you need sliding glass doors for your high-rise property, or single-hung windows for you family home, we will look for ways to improve our product lines tos enhance your life every day.

Unclipped Mullions

Has been designed with the installer in mind. The objective is to reduce
the installation work and time by eliminating the anchoring clips -
Take advantage of the extrusions of the systems that are connecting,
increasing the inertia of the resulting composition mullion -
Validated for vertical and horizontal applications
Available in two sizes: 1″ x 4” and 1″ x 3”
Spans up to 120”. DP up to 120 PFS
Florida Product Approval
Impact Resistant Single
Hung Window

Max. Dimensions: 53-1/8” x 96”
Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Large and Small missile rated
Sturdy Construction allows for very high wind loads up to 140 PSF
Glazing applied with high strength silicone for elevated resistance to impact and cyclic loads
2-7/8” deep frame. Glazing Capabilities: Heat strengthened laminated (5/16” & 7/16”) and Insulated glass up to 13/16” thick. Enhanced thermal performance with low E coating available
Hybrid “Ultralift” ® balances for ease of operation come standard
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
FL #20352.1 LMI – FL #20352.2 SMI

Clipped Mullions

Include traditional 1”x 3”, 1” x 4”, 2” x 4”, 2” x 6” standard and heavy
Included a 2” x 8” x 1/4” that can be used as a steel column substitute
in many cases
Florida Product Approval

Impact Resistant Single Hung Window Wall System

Max Dimensions of each module 48” x 120”
Modular Design and allows for multiple units connected side by side
Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Large and small missile rated
Sturdy Construction allows for very high wind loads up to 120 PSF
6” deep system. Glazing Capabilities: Heat Strengthened Laminated (7/16” & 9/16”) and Insulated glass up to 13/16” thick. Enhanced thermal performance with low E coating available.
Suitable for high rise applications. Accommodates structure movement, expansion and contractions
Hybrid “Ultralift” ® balances for ease of operation come standard
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
FL #41845.1 LMI – FL #41845.2 SMI – FL #32415.1 LMI – FL #32415.2 SMI
Non-Impact Commercial Door

Non-impact rated commercial door. Also suited for interior applications
Designed and tested to comply with FBC 2020
Narrow stile 2-3/4”. Medium stile available
Dry glazed. Glass ¼” Fully Tempered
Mates with commercial storefront system MG 4500 without the necessity of intermediate mullions
Single and Double Doors. Maximum dimensions with transom are 39-5/8” x 120” (single) and 75-5/8” x 120” (double)
Maximum pressure: +65/-75 PSF
Saddle threshold
Push and Pull Handles. Concealed 3-point locks as well as panic devices 4” x 4-3/4” Stainless steel all bearing hinges and offset pivots
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
Impact Resistant Horizontal
Sliding Window

Featuring oversized dimensions: 127” x 74”
Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large and Small missile rated -
Sturdy Construction allows for very high wind loads up to 140 PSF
Glazing applied with high strength silicone for elevated resistance to impact and cyclic loads 2-7/8” deep frame. Glazing Capabilities: Heat strengthened laminated (5/16” & 7/16”) and Insulated glass up to 13/16” thick. Enhanced thermal performance with low E coating available
OX, XO and XOX configurations available
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval

Impact Resistant Horizontal
Sliding Window

Meets HVHZ. LMI Rated
DP= +/-65 PSF
Sizes: OX/XO up to 74” x 63” and XOX up to 111” x 63”
Slim structure to maximize glass view and day light opening
Extrusions are 2-3/16” deep to have the minimal impact on interior finish during retrofit
Machine glazed with silicone GE 2000/DS795
Laminated Heat Strengthened Glass with 0.09 thick PVB as interlayer
Silicone glazing gasket and stainless steel screws
Clear, tinted, or reflective glass. Low-e glass for enhanced Solar Heat Gain Coefficient while allowing maximal transparency and visual light transmittance
Powder coat finish. Standard and custom colors. Meeting AAMA 2604 as standard finish (5 years warranty) with possibility to upgrade to
AAMA 2605 (10 years warranty) -
Wheels in PMO (Acetal) for smooth operation
Aluminum 6063T6 structure
Colonials for design freedom
Florida Product Approval

Impact Resistant Single
Hung Window

Meets HVHZ. LMI Rated
DP= +65/-80 PSF
Sizes up to 53” x 76”
Slim structure to maximize glass view and day light opening
Extrusions are 2-3/16” deep to have the minimal impact on interior finish during retrofit
Machine glazed with silicone GE 2000/DS795
Laminated Heat Strengthened Glass with 0.09 thick PVB as interlayer
Silicone glazing gasket and stainless steel screws
Clear, tinted, or reflective glass. Low-e glass for enhanced Solar Heat Gain Coefficient while allowing maximal transparency and visual light transmittance
Powder coat finish. Standard and custom colors. Meeting AAMA 2604 as standard finish (5 years warranty) with possibility to upgrade to AAMA 2605 (10 years warranty)
Aluminum 6063T6 structure
Colonials for design freedom
Florida Product Approval

Impact Resistant Fixed
Picture Window

Meets HVHZ. LMI Rated
DP= +/-65 PSF
Sizes: 48” x 84” / 36” x 108” / 24” x 168”
Slim structure to maximize glass view and day light opening
Extrusions are 2-3/16” deep to have the minimal impact on interior finish during retrofit
Shapes and Figures available, colonials for design freedom
Meets ANSI Z97.1 (Human fall/impact protection)
Machine glazed with silicone GE 2000/DS795
Laminated Heat Strengthened Glass with 0.09 thick PVB as interlayer
Clear, tinted, or reflective glass. Low-e glass for enhanced Solar Heat Gain Coefficient while allowing maximal transparency and visual light
transmittance -
Silicone glazing gasket and stainless steel screws
Powder coat finish. Standard and custom colors. Meeting AAMA 2604 as standard finish (5 years warranty) with possibility to upgrade to AAMA 2605 (10 years warranty)
Aluminum 6063T6 structure
Florida Product Approval

Impact Resistant Fixed
Picture Window
Max. Dimensions: 48” x 84”
Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large missile rated -
Matches with MG-200 and MG-300 single hung and horizontal
roller series -
Figures and arches are available
Glazing applied with high strength silicone for elevated resistance
to impact and cyclic loads -
2-7/8” deep frame. Glazing capabilities: Heat strengthened laminated 7/16” and Insulated glass up to 13/16” thick. Enhanced thermal performance with low E coating available
Design Pressures up to +/- 100 PSF
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval

Impact Resistant
Fixed Picture Window
Versatile series that can be manufactured as fixed glass window, louver or a combination of both
Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large and Small missile rated -
Includes intermediate horizontals (verticals depending on orientation)
Mitered cuts and assembly via fixed corner and alignment keys.
For figures and arches, corner keys and alignment keys are adjustable. Drained pockets with Hi-Flo® valves and screw covers -
Glazing capabilities 7/16”, 9/16” Laminated and 1” insulated laminated
Max Dimensions as Fixed Window: 48” x 180” Design Pressures:
+85/-120 PSF -
Max. Dimensions as Louvers 60” x 168” Design Pressures: +/- 80 PSF
Louvers compatible with MG 3000 door and impact rated
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
FL #40676.1 LMI – FL #40676.2 SMI

Impact Resistant
Commercial Door

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large missile rated -
Sturdy 2-1/4” frame thick. 5” Medium Stile Commercial Door.
Assembled via shear blocks and TIG welded for added strength -
Single and Double door. Maximum dimensions with transom:
87-1/2” x 144” (double) and 45-1/2” x 144” (single) -
Max Pressure for single door +120/-130 PSF. For double door
up to +/- 90 PSF -
Glazing capabilities: 9/16” HS laminated and 1-1/8” insulated laminated
Options of high threshold (Water Rated) and ADA threshold
(not water rated) -
Can accommodate transoms and mates with storefront MG-5000
without necessity of additional mullions -
Push and Pull Handles. Concealed 3 point locks as well as panic devices
4” x 4-3/4” Stainless steel all bearing hinges and offset pivots
Powder coating aluminum finish. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
FL #27001.1 LMI – FL #27001.2 LMI
Dade County Notice of Acceptance (N.O.A.)

Impact Resistant Casement
and Awning Window

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large and Small missile rated -
Up to 3 windows in any combination, in the same frame. Intermediate mullions are included inside the frame. Transoms on top and bottom
are possible, and are included in one single frame -
Sterling and Stormbalance Hinges in Stainless Steel.
Egress or Washability hinges available -
Dyad, Dual Arm and Single Arm operators all in Stainless Steel.
Fall protection device available -
Max. Dimension of a single window: 37.5” x 76” Design Pressures:
up to +80 / -100 PSF -
Glazing capabilities: 5/16” and 7/16” laminated and 11/16” insulated laminated
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
FL #29676.1 LMI (Casement Window)
FL #29675.1 LMI (Awning Window)

Impact Resistant Sliding Glass Door
2 Tracks / 4 Panels

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large and Small missile rated -
Sturdy design capable of design pressures up to +120/-140 PSF.
designed for high rise buildings -
Max. Dimensions per panel 48” x 144” and 72” x 96”
Jambs unanchored up to 108” high
Pocket configurations available
Rain screen design with sill 2-5/8” high. No sill raiser required up to +120PSF
Configurations: XO, OX, OXO, XOX, OXXO
No anchors apparent. Cover caps at jambs, sill, and head
Glazing capabilities 9/16” laminated and 1-3/16” insulated laminated. Enhanced thermal performance with low E coating available
Glazing applied with high strength silicone for elevated resistance to impact and cyclic loads
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
FL #19092.1 LMI – FL #19092.2 SMI

Impact Resistant Multitrack Sliding Glass Door, 3 Tracks / 6 Panels

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large and Small missile rated -
Sturdy design capable of design pressures up to +80/-100 PSF.
Designed for high rise buildings -
Max. Dimensions per panel 60” x 120”
Jambs unanchored
Pocket configurations available
Screen inside as option
Multiple configurations
Glazing capabilities 9/16” laminated and 1-3/16” insulated laminated. Enhanced thermal performance with low E coating available
Glazing applied with high strength silicone for elevated resistance to impact and cyclic loads
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
FL #25959.1 LMI – FL #25959.2 SMI

Impact Resistant Sliding Glass Door
2 Tracks / 4 Panels

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large and Small missile rated -
Slim and modern design, ideal for residential and mid rise commercial projects. Interlock section 1-3/8” wide
Design Pressures +60/80 PSF. Max. panel size 48” x 108”
Zamak roller housing with stainless steel ball bearing and PMO wheels
Glazing capabilities 7/16” laminated. Enhanced thermal performance with low E coating available
Easy installation. Unanchored jambs. 5” deep frame
Screen runs outside
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
FL #38057.1 LMI – FL #38057.2 SMI
Impact Resistant Curtain
Wall System

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large missile rated -
Toggle glazing system with the sought after 4-side silicone appearance
2-3/4” mullion back. Max. Span with heavy mullion: 17’-4”. Max Span with standard mullion 12’-6”. Max Design Pressure +/-100 PSF -
Stick built structure receives the glazed panels to be inserted and fixed with toggles
Glass is structurally glazed in shop for maximum quality control
Glazing capabilities: 9/16” HS laminated and 1-5/16” insulated laminated
Easy to install
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
FL #27401.2 LMI – FL #27401.1 SMI
Aluminum and Glass
Railing System

Designed and tested to comply with FBC 2020
Pre-glazed railing system
Dry glazed. Glass 7/16” laminated heat strengthened
Posts embedded in non-shrinking high resistance grouting
Posts aluminum sections of 3-5/16” x 2-3/4”
Glass supported at top and bottom rails only with polished vertical edges creating an aesthetically appealing ¼” joint in front of the posts
Variety of railing cap designs
Post spacing 48” max. at 44” height
Maximum pressure: 110 PSF
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Dade County Notice of Acceptance (N.O.A.)
Impact Resistant Swing Window

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large Missile rated -
Available configurations: X, XX, OX, OXO, OXXO, O
Maximum dimensions: X configuration: 48” x 120”, OXXO config: 156” x 98”
Side-lites with matching top and bottom horizontal lines
Stand along Single Side-lites available
High Bottom Rail Door available
Aluminum, Ball-Bearing (Stainless Steel) and Continuous Aluminum Geared Hinges available
Max. Design pressures: +/-80 PSF
Glazing capabilities 7/16” laminated and 1” insulated laminated.
Enhanced thermal performance with low E coating available -
Multiple glass lites per door panel (intermediate horizontals) allowing combinations of privacy, clear or tinted glass
Powder Coating aluminum finish. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5-year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10-year warranty)
Industry Standard Hardware preparation: options for 3 Point Locks and Smart Locks
Flush Bolts at top and bottom
Muntins and Raised Grid for design freedom
Florida Product Approval

Impact Resistant Residential
Entry Door

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large Missile rated -
Available configurations: X, XX, OX, OXO, OXXO, O
Maximum dimensions: X configuration: 48” x 120”, can be combined with MG-3000 Sidelites for a maximum dimensions of 156″ x 120″
Side-lites with matching top and bottom horizontal lines
High Bottom Rail Door available
Ball-Bearing (Stainless Steel) Hinges available
Max. Design pressures: +/-80 PSF
Glazing capabilities 7/16” laminated, 1” insulated laminated and 1″ solid aluminum panel.
Enhanced thermal performance with low E coating available -
Multiple glass lites per door panel (intermediate horizontals) allowing combinations of privacy, clear or tinted glass
Powder Coating aluminum finish. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5-year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10-year warranty)
Industry Standard Hardware preparation: 16mm stainless steel Eurogroove Multipoint Lock (8 Points)
Unlimited design options. Solid panels can combine different materials, such as stainless steel, aluminum and glass to create sophisticated and elegant designs
Florida Product Approval

Impact Resistant Pivot Door

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large missile rated -
Modern and slim design with maximum sizes of 72” x 144”.
Design Pressures +50/-55 PSF -
Multi-point lock with 16 mm stainless steel face plate.
Minimum 8-point lock -
Glazing capabilities: 9/16” HS laminated glass with 0.09 SGP.
Enhanced thermal performance with low E coating available -
ADA hydraulic pivot available
Day latch option
First in class hydraulic pivot fully mortised in bottom rail (no case to be inserted in the floor or head). Capable for up to 770 lbs. Adjustable latching control. Adjustable damper/back check control
Flush magnets are standard for a seamless (perfectly flush) door-jamb alignment
Retractable top pivot for ease of installation. Top pivot allows for panel adjustment
Powder Coating aluminum finish. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
Non-Impact Storefront System

Non-impact rated commercial storefront system.
Also suited for interior applications -
Designed and tested to comply with FBC 2020
Pre-glazed units to be snapped in place
Aluminum members 1-3/4” x 4-1/2”
Dry glazed. Glass ¼” Fully Tempered Glass
Mates with commercial door MG-275
Maximum dimensions: 48” x 120” per unit
Max pressure +/- 100 PSF
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
Impact Resistant Storefront
Wall System

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large missile rated -
Aluminum Frame 1-3/4” x 5” with recess glazing
Mates with commercial door MG-500 without necessity of additional mullions
Glazing capabilities: 9/16” HS laminated
Maximum dimensions: 48” x 144” in multiple units, with single jumbo size up to 84” x 180”
Maximum pressure: 130 PSF
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
FL #27000.1 LMI
Dade County Notice of Acceptance (N.O.A.)
Impact Resistant Storefront
Wall System

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large missile rated -
Shop glazed storefront with a sturdy frame of 5” and front glazing
Glazing capabilities: 9/16” HS laminated and 1-5/6” insulated
laminated glass -
Maximum dimensions: 48” x 144” in multiple units
Maximum pressures: 145 PSF
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
Impact Resistant Stick Curtain
Wall System

Meets Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone.
Large missile rated -
Aluminum frame 2-3/4” x 7-13/16” with recess glazing
Pressure plate and 2 side silicone versions
Integrate commercial doors
Aluminum and glass to glass corners
Glazing capabilities: 9/16” HS laminated and 1-5/16” insulated laminated
Single and multiple spans
Max. height in single span: 196”
Max. pressure: +/- 120 PSF
Powder Coating aluminum finish for superb quality and environmentally friendly operation. Meets AAMA 2604 exigencies (5 year warranty) AAMA 2605 is also available (10 year warranty)
Florida Product Approval
Impact Resistant Aluminum Architectural Louvers

Meets HVHZ requirements and standards
Small elegant, yet strong blade section 2-1/4” x 1-5/8” with 0.08” minimum wall thickness
Max Dimensions in one module 61” x 168”
Available is stand alone version with Fix Window Frame MG450
Available as a subframe to be inserted in any door, storefront, between mullions or any opening, and still meets HVHZ requirements
Design Pressure +/- 80 PSF
Powder Coating aluminum finish. AAMA 2604 (5 year warranty) comes standard. AAMA 2605 (10 year warranty also available)
Not rated for water
Florida Product Approval